Tuesday 6 May 2014

Heart Week 4-10 May 2014

We're right in the middle of Heart Week, which serves to raise awareness about heart disease. This year the Heart Foundation is urging everyone to learn the signs of a heart attack in order to avoid having one. Learn the warning signs here.

If you get the chance to host a morning tea in your home or workplace, take the opportunity to discuss these heart attack warning signs and further spread awareness.

Should you feel compelled to help further, the Heart Foundation and the Heart Research Institute will happily accept donations anytime of the year to progress vital heart research.

Do you suffer from heart disease or have a history of it in your family? Then it's worthwhile completing a "Heart Attack Action Plan". The Heart Foundation shows you how to do this and offers free downloadable collateral to help you complete it. It's worthwhile being prepared.

Happy Heart Week!

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